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Study: For productive employees, prioritize their mental health

mental healthHave you ever had a bad day at work? It is no surprise that any job will have its stressful days, but the company culture and the relationship employees have with their managers can have a big impact on your employees’ mental health. In today’s fast-paced world, where work demands seem to be never-ending, it is crucial to acknowledge the significant role mental health plays in the productivity and overall well-being of employees. 

Understanding the link between mental health and productivity:

Research has shown that there is a strong link between mental health and productivity. According to this survey from Mind the Workplace, 66% of respondents reported that workplace issues negatively affect their sleep, and half of respondents engage in unhealthy behaviors to cope with workplace stress. Employees who have their mental health neglected may experience more stress and burnout. This can lead to lower productivity and overall lower job satisfaction. On the other hand, organizations that prioritize mental health see positive outcomes, such as increased productivity, lower absenteeism rates, and improved employee engagement.

In other words, taking care of employees’ mental health is good for business. 

How to Create a workplace that values and prioritizes mental health?

Employers can create a workplace that values and prioritizes mental health by implementing the following strategies:

Encourage open communication

Create a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns. This can be done by building relationships with employees and creating a culture of trust and respect. You can foster open communication and stronger relationships by regularly checking in with employees, being open to feedback, and providing opportunities for employees to connect with each other. 

Here are some tips for creating a supportive environment for open communication:

  • Be a good listener.
  • Be respectful of employees’ privacy.
  • Be understanding and compassionate.
  • Offer support and resources.
  • Encourage employees to take care of themselves.

Create flexible work arrangements 

Remote work or flexible hours can significantly improve employee well-being. This flexibility allows employees to manage their work-life balance more effectively, reducing stress and improving mental health. Studies have shown that employees with flexible work arrangements often have higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity.

Offer mental health education and training

Educating employees on mental health is a great way to create a more informed and empathetic workforce. Workshops, seminars, and online resources can help employees learn about topics such as stress management, resilience, and self-care. This can equip them with the necessary tools to help them prioritize their mental well-being. Training managers and supervisors on these practices can also help them to recognize and address employees who are struggling with mental health.

Here are some additional benefits of educating employees on mental health:

  • Employees are more likely to feel comfortable talking about mental health issues with their managers and supervisors.
  • Employees are more likely to seek help for mental health problems if they are aware of the resources available to them.
  • Employees are more likely to be productive and engaged at work if they are mentally healthy.
  • Employees are less likely to miss work due to mental health problems.
  • Employees are more likely to stay with their company for a longer period of time.

Educating employees on mental health is a win-win for both employees and employers. It can help to create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone involved.

Promote work-life balance — and mean it

We surveyed more than 900 behavioral health professionals on company culture and over 88% stated that they have a great work-life balance. The overall theme of respondents was that their company culture was supportive. Their superiors supported them and they were, in turn, satisfied with their culture at work. This correlation indicates that promoting a healthy work-life balance is important to maintain employee satisfaction.

Employers can implement policies that discourage excessive overtime, promote regular breaks, and discourage after-hours communication. By respecting employees’ personal time and boundaries, organizations create an environment that supports overall well-being. This leads to increased productivity during working hours.

Taking care of employees’ mental health is essential for a productive workplace. Studies have shown that when mental health is ignored, employees may feel more stressed and burned out, which can lower their productivity and job satisfaction. However, organizations that prioritize mental health see positive outcomes, such as increased productivity and happier employees. To improve employee mental health, organizations can offer mental health resources, such as counseling and support groups, and create a culture that encourages employees to take care of their mental health.

Increase employee productivity

Your business is only as good as your people, and we know just how hard it is to find the right people in the behavioral healthcare industry. When dealing with sensitive and personal issues like mental health or substance abuse, not just any employee will do. 

Jordan and Associates Consulting specializes in behavioral health recruiting and will be your trusted partner in hiring the right people. If you have a good team in place, we can offer coaching and training on admissions, referrals, and other critical aspects of the behavioral healthcare industry.

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